Courses To Heighten Your Spiritual Gifts!
Empath or Highly Sensitive Person?
See the Protection Techniques Course
Ready to Enhance your Spiritual Senses?
Grab the Clairs Course!
Want to meet your Guides?
Meet them in the Spirit Guide Meditations!
Curious about Brain healing?
Check out Brainspotting Courses here!
Access Reiki Classes at your own pace.
See Reiki Self-Paced Courses here!Â
See below for more details & class descriptions!Â

Are you an Empath? Do you feel others' emotions as your own? Overwhelmed in crowds? Then the Protection Course is for you!
Protection helps to discern your energies from others. Protection acts like Boundaries & can decrease anxiousness & worry as you center within your own essence.

Ready to connect with Spirit?
The Clairs are our Spiritual Senses. Do you hear whispers, footsteps or your ears ringing? You are Clairaudient! Do you have vivid dreams, seen orbs or Spirit forms, or visions of the future? You are Clairvoyant!
Everyone has different Clairs to communicate with spirit. This course allows you to enhance your Spiritual Senses at a profound level & Connect with Spirit on a daily basis.

Wonder who your Guardian Angel is? Curious about your Guides? Grab this series to meet & receive messages from your Main Guide, Joy Guide, Dr. Guide, & Guardian Angel.
Meet members of your Spirit Team, your Spirit Animal & a Loved One in Spirit. Enjoy guided meditation journeys to sense the Spiritual Realm more readily.

Ready to take your Healing practice to the next level?
Looking for a healing modality to increase your Intuition?
Reiki can amplify your practice & your own healing journey.
Allow yourself to learn & be attuned to channel Divine Healing Energy to your client with gentle hand placements through Reiki Self Paced Courses!

Curious about Brain healing & advancement?
Brainspotting utilizes the visual system to find relevant eye positions which are seen as “access points” to locate the necessary information to be released or focused upon.
Click here for course info!