Ready to become a Very Intuitive Person today?

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

Ready for Spiritual Courses & a High Vibe Group?

Join VIP (Very Intuitive Person) today!

Advance your Spiritual gifts & Intuition with over 15 Courses, Daily practice & inspiration, Weekly Insights, & Supportive Community for your Spiritual Journey. 

Would Love To Have YOU in VIP!
Featured VIP Morning Buzz for HSPs!

So, You’re Ready To Embark Further On Your Spiritual Journey??

VIP, Congratulations for following your Intuition here. Something pulled you to navigate this page & kudos to you for heeding the call. 

Are you a Seeker? A Lightworker? Curious about your Spiritual path? Have you ever "just known" about something?

Well, right now is one of those times! Right now is your opportunity to venture further on your Spiritual Journey.  

This is the place. You are meant to be here. VIP is for you. I would love to guide & support you.

Follow Your Intuition & Join Us in VIP!
Any questions? Check out FAQs here!
Heather Corbet - Experienced Spiritual Advisor

Here are your Courses!

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I just adore Heather Corbet! I wanted to develop some of my gifts & she has been amazing. I am part of the VIP group & love every minute of connecting with others who share their gifts. Heather has been such an asset to me a Spiritual Advisor. I look forward to my monthly calls with her & honestly do now know what I would do without her! Take my advice & connect with Heather & the VIP group!


I love our VIP Family. It is a place where you can be yourself, share & have awesome high vibe souls help & be there for you on your Spiritual Path. I have completely enjoyed the course videos. I am taking it all in & doing my best to learn all that I can. I love the Mediumship & Channeling courses. Actually, I love it all! Heather is Wonderful & Amazing!

Peggy Tripp

VIP is an incredible place to grow & develop with like-minded & supportive people. I feel so Blessed to be a part of it!

Ashley Widman

Thank you, Heather, for creating the VIP space! This is a place that allows us to grow & develop confidence in ourselves. It helps us to see how beautiful our gifts are & that the world needs our healing energy. After the most recent VIP Zoom call, I am getting to step out of my comfort zone & step into my Spiritual gifts!

Silvia Hantea

I love VIP! The latest Zoom call was off the hook! We delved into a fantastic clearing of things that no longer serve us. Heather’s Guided Meditations are phenomenal. With the most recent one, my Guardian Angel stepped in. She is very beautiful, brown wavy hair & she was giving me personal suggestions that would benefit me. I am so grateful to have experienced such deep healing with the VIPs! The VIPs’ hearts are amazing, brave, & beautiful beyond measure.

Kristal Pitera

My husband & I recently had our Spiritual Awakening & joined VIP to further our paths! Heather has given us guidance & has allowed us to flourish with our gifts. It is great to be a couple in the VIP group. The experience has been phenomenal. The VIP group is a safe place to ask any spiritual questions & have any spiritual conversations. Everyone in the group has special gifts that allow each other to continue to grow & understand. As a couple, we have become stronger & understand what being Empaths really means. Heather is very humble, full of knowledge, & well educated in many areas. We could go on & on about Heather & the VIP group. There is a reason why you are reading this! VIP is so worth it.

Maria del Sol

VIP is the best gift you can give yourself & the benefits are forever. I love our Heather & all the beautiful people here. Thank you, Heather!

Kebbie Wheeler

Having confidence in my gifts is easy for me when I am in the presence of my VIP group. Even though I’m still learning, there’s just a calmness knowing that I can reach out to you, Heather, in the VIP group. I am forever grateful for VIP!

Tracy Anderson

I joined VIP because I wanted to start to connect with my Loved Ones in Spirit. Now I’m learning how to work with my own gifts on top of it! VIP is such a high vibe community & the support from each & every beautiful Soul fills me up on a daily basis! I look forward to Heather’s “Morning Buzz,” everyone’s questions & insights. I love knowing that VIP is where I’m not judged for what I believe in because not everyone gets it. Being in VIP is truly comforting.

Jacquie B. Jenkins

In the wake of my Spiritual Awakening last year, I was seeking guidance & looking for someone to help guide me on this path. During my seeking, I stumbled Heather’s Angel Partays that she does in her Facebook group Heighten Your Spiritual Connection. I instantly connected. I continued to follow Heather to make sure that this would be my best fit. She is 100% authentic. After taking the Leap of Faith, I joined VIP to move forward with my Spiritual path. I have received countless insights, helpful words, & have a better understanding of what has been happening on my life while being in VIP. I have also met a lot of others who are on the same path as me & this has helped me move forward on my Spiritual path even easier. I also attended Heather’s Retreat & my Mediumship skills popped! All in all, if you are looking for guidance, Heather is your lady!

Yolanda Hollock

During my sessions with Heather, she is extremely accurate, genuine, & sincere in helping to advised my situation. Her readings are helpful in assisting me to figure out my direction during my rocky times. I am clearer on how to proceed & have a greater peace of mind. I highly recommend her services for any others who are going through a difficult spot in life & are feeling lost or unsure. I also am in her VIP group that has several Spiritual online courses. I have met several like-minded people in this group who have become lifelong friends as we all are evolving our Spiritual journey. I am so grateful for meeting Heather, for our session & for being a part of her High Vibe Tribe VIP group. I consider her a part of my family now as well as a very pure hearted guide on my side whenever I need to get out of my head & back into my heart. She’s helped me in so many ways to gain self-confidence & value. She is truly a gift from God. Thank you so much, Heather!

Frankie Winterstein

I cannot way enough positive things about the VIP group. It has the training & ongoing development that I need to keep my momentum going on my journey! In addition, the sense of belonging I have in this group, including the encouragement & insights, are incomparable to other programs. I can get my education, guidance, support, encouragement & inspiration for my Spiritual journey all in one place! I’m advancing very quickly & it’s truly changing my life. I love the VIP group! It’s simply amazing & I encourage you to join!

Dani Winders

A dear friend referred Heather to me. I went in for my first ever Mediumship reading & was so overcome by Heather’s love, accuracy, & generosity. I then took the next step into her VIP group. I cannot express enough how much she has helped me through. I have had a very difficult life. When I met Heather, I was at the end of my rope & I wanted to give up. Heather has helped me to see the joy in life again. She has changed my & my children’s lives. Her guidance & support has truly been a Blessing. I am so blessed to have beautiful Heather by my side through this amazing journey.

Christy Labbee

Heather provides, I was tested & pushed to my limits to really think outside of my comfort zone & look at my True Self. During our weekly Zoom calls, Heather has opened my eyes to the signs I had been missing & really put my life into perspective for me. The group in itself is amazingly supportive & you get instant feeling of safety & trust in each member. Heather is extremely generous & I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for me. Her bubbly personality is warm & you cannot help but love her! She is my absolute favorite to work with! Thank you, Heather!

Brandie Baird

Heather is amazingly talented! I have worked with her one-on-one & also in the VIP group. I always look forward to my interactions with her. Being in her Energy is so comforting & reassuring. Her ability to connect with Spirit & translate messages is mind-blowing. The guidance that I receive from her has always been spot on & exactly what I need to hear every time. I HIGHLY recommend Heather if you are looking for a reading or long term Spiritual Advising.

Vicky Smith

With all of the sacred & blessed meetings I have had with beautiful souls, I am eternally grateful that I was able to cross paths with Heather! If you’re feeling drawn to meet with her for a reading, please follow that nudge! I am so glad I did! Heather has an incredibly loving, kind, & bubbly personality. I instantly felt at home with her. She provided insight & healing for a lot of things that I wasn’t even aware that I was holding onto. After our initial meeting, I became a member of her VIP group which has been life changing, & I have learned & grown so much in such a short amount of time. I have also made what I hope to be, lifelong connections with many other members of the VIP tribe. I also had a life changing & very healing Past Life Reading with Heather that helped make sense of so much of my life. There was absolute compassion, no judgement, & wonderful humor from her during this session. If you’re looking for help, encouragement, healing, or any connection to your Higher self, she is wonderful!!!

Amber Mayer

Heather has helped me to understand my gifts & grow in the Spiritual realm. Her ability to teach & work with me in Spiritual Advising, Mediumship & Reiki courses have changed my life. She is an amazing mentor & I am so thankful for everything she does & offers. Our courses in the VIP program are priceless. The courses are available for us to listen to as much as we need. The personal guidance we get in the group is invaluable. It is such an amazing group.

Erin Stabile

I am so glad to be a part of the VIP group. Even if you are not able to attend all the live Zoom calls, you can go back & watch them when it is convenient. There is so much support in the VIP group. Everyone in the group has an opportunity to work on expanding their abilities. Heather is an amazing teacher & she is great about answering our questions. I have really enjoyed building on the energy of manifesting & learning ways to channel. I enjoy sharing & learning about everyone’s abilities. You can really feel the positive vibes from everyone in the group. It is really fantastic! My pets love to hang out near me whenever I am on a live or watching a replay!

Paulette Little

Heather is one of a kind. Three years ago, my best friend passed away & I was introduced to Heather. I felt an undeniable connection with her & we hit it off in the most beautiful way!! I’ve taken Heather’s Mediumship & Reiki courses, Spiritual Advising sessions, & joined her amazing VIP group that feels like family. I had a previous Reiki certification through somewhere else & felt called to her Reiki classes & let me tell you, they are beyond incredible. More than I could ever describe. Honestly, that is what it is like working with Heather in all services. Heather invests her heart & deep Spiritual connection into all she does. This year, I am also attending Heather’s Spiritual Retreat! I highly recommend her services to anyone. Give any of them a try!

Holly Unluata

I met Heather on a live card pull. She was so personable & positive and she delivered my message in a refreshing way. I joined her Archangels Course which really helped me learn more about them in an interesting way. I couldn’t believe the things that came to me during those meditations & channelings! I decided to take the leap & join the VIP group & I haven’t regretted it for a second. I think the best thing about it is how organized everything is. You can go back & access previous lessons so you can do further work on yourself. Everything is recorded so you don’t have to worry about time zone issues, or simply life happening. You can catch up on your own time & there is no pressure! The VIP group is a really supportive group that helps one another in different ways. There are various degrees of experience in the group, which I appreciate as a diverse learner. With VIP, you are given respect, love, & you are honored for wherever you currently are. If you are feeling drawn to VIP, try it! I did & I love the continued learning & support!

Veronica Doleman

Heather is a fantastic teacher & mentor. She has such an incredible & soothing Energy. I found her during dark days & she has brought nothing but light. I am richer for knowing her & the VIP Soul Tribe she has brought into being.

Michelle Savard

You Have Been Seeking This!

As a Spiritual Seeker, you want to know more. You crave knowledge. You ask questions & you seek for answers. The tricky thing is, sometimes it's hard to find the answers. Over my own Spiritual Journey of 25 years, I know this all too well. 

This is why I created VIP for you. VIP is a place to learn more about YOU & your Spiritual path, to practice your skills, & join others of like-mind.

It is a place of support as you learn Spiritual Concepts, Spiritual Modalities, & how to follow your Intuition in your daily life. 

VIP is a place of support with other Spiritual Seekers, a place of belonging, & a place to be yourself.

You're ready! Join us in VIP here!
Heather Corbet - Experienced Spiritual Advisor

Why Join??

All Levels are Welcome! If you are just beginning or you're well on your way, you belong here! Enjoy learning from others who have been on in VIP for years OR join us & Share your expertise! Upon joining, we have a learning track especially for you.

Are you needing support? It can feel alone at times as you navigate your Spiritual Journey. It may feel that others don't "get you" as you embark deeper into your path. With VIP, we have GOT YOU! We GET YOU. We speak the same language & YOU BELONG. 

Desiring to be Authentically YOU? In VIP, you can be Authentically YOU. Everyone has their own unique gifts & ways of Being. Join our welcoming community & align to who you TRULY are. You are fully supported for being you.

Want to Practice? There are great OPPORTUNITIES to practice your skills. Want to increase your social media presence? Practice your Spiritual gifts thru posts & lives in VIP! Want to learn alongside others? Join the monthly INTUITION LIVE & pair up with other Intuitives to hone your skills. 

Craving fulfillment? Often when new VIPs join us, they share they finally feel at HOME. They share this is the place they've been craving. They share they feel fulfilled & connected. 


We would love to support your Spiritual Journey!

Join the supportive VIP community

Curious About The Courses??

Heather Corbet - Experienced Spiritual Advisor

Ready To Embark Further On Your Spiritual Journey?

Join VIP here for $55.55 Monthly

6 Month VIP Membership


5 months & 1 month free

Grab 5 months & get 6th month free!

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1 Year VIP Membership


10 months & 2 months free

Grab 10 months & get 2 months free!

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VIP Courses Only


Lifetime Access!


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Just want 1 or 2 courses? Check out individual courses here!

Grab 1 or 2 courses here!
Heather Corbet - Experienced Spiritual Advisor

Curious which Course path is for you? Whether you want to increase your intuition, be a medium, or deepen your Spirituality, we have a path for you!


Past Lives & Time Shifting: Curious about your Past Lives? Ever feel like you're crossing time continuums? Use this course to learn more of how to change consciousness to other timelines.  

Mediumship: Learn more about your Clairs, Elements, & Channeling. Participate in exercises to further hone your Mediumship skills. Practice your Mediumship skills at the monthly Spirit Circle!

Group Brainspotting: Join us in this course to utilize Brainspotting to access your Intuition, Expansion, Generational healing, Parts work, Clairs, & Soul Star Chakra. Enjoy Group Attunement with other VIPs.  

Guides: Ever wonder about your Main Guide, Love Guide, or Galactic Guides? Curious how to connect & utilize your Guides for everyday life? Check out the Guides course to get to know your Guides! 

Your Soul Essence: Your Soul Essence guides your times here in this lifetime. Enjoy learning about Your Soul Star Chakra, Enneagram, & Flow with your Soul Essence.

Dreams: Ever wonder about Lucid Dreaming? Curious about dream interpretation? Join us in the Dreams Course to learn about different dream states of consiousness.  

Crystals: Curious what Crystals to use? Join us for the Crystals course to learn more about what Crystals to use for Protection, grounding, Love, & manifestation. Also, learn more about how to use a Crystal grid!

Star Children: Have you been considered "Advanced" in your Spiritual Gifts? Do you have a child or grandchild who is Advanced in their gifts? Join me for the Star Children Course to learn if you or your child is an Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, or the newest generational Star Child: A Golden. Learn how to navigate life as a Star Child.

Clairs Membership Course: Do you see orbs or shimmers? Do you feel Spirit? Do you ever hear whispers or do your ears ring? You are using your Clairs, or Spiritual Senses! I am so excited to offer VIP this Clairs module from my Part 1 Mediumship class. This course assists you to amplify your Clairs & connect with Spirit on a Higher Level.

Old Souls: Are you an Old Soul? Do you feel you have been here before? Are you considered wise beyond your years? Join me for this VIP Course to learn what it means to be an Old Soul, your mission as an Old Soul, & Self-Care for the Old Soul. Also learn about your Self-Actualization path, Self-Transcendence, Peak Experiences, & Past Lives.

Angels: Are you curious about the Angels? Have you felt or seen Angelic Beings? Allow yourself to begin with Powerful Activations, Rituals, & Ceremonies with the Angels. As you navigate the Angels Course, learn how to connect & communicate with the following Angels: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Zadkiel, & Archangel Ariel.

Channeling: Check out the 14 module Channeling Course to learn the necessary modalities of using Pendulum, Oracle Cards, & Automatic Writing. Allow yourself to step into Knowing & Trusting your unique Spiritual Gifts as you put your skills to practice. Learn how to use your emotions & Clairsentience to channel information from Spirit. Recognize the Proof of your Channeling through validation!

Psychic Skills: Do you get premonitions? Do you “just know” when something is going to happen?? Then this 8 module course is for you to Enhance your Psychic Skills! Learn how to increase your awareness & verify the Psychic hits you receive. Heighten your skills of Telepathy of reading others’ minds & Learn about Psychometry. Take the Learning Style Quiz & learn how to use your memory to enhance your skills!

Auras: Learn how to read, view & glean information from the Auras. Dive into learning the 7 Layers of Auras & how these relate to the Emotional, Spiritual, Mental, & Physical Bodies & recognize the Chakra-Aura Connection. Explore the Astral Bridge to navigate between this world & the higher dimensions. Learn more of how to enhance your Etheric Template body in order to improve your daily life.

Clearing & Cleansing: In order to Rise into Spirit’s Vibration, we need to release what no longer serves us. Learn a unique Cleansing tool with the Pendulum Emotional Clearing Technique to clear old patterns. Go deep & nurture yourself with the Inner Child & Younger Self modules. Dive into modules of Boundaries, Taking It Personally, & Assumptions in order to further assist your Healing path. As a special bonus, Let go with your Guardian Angel.

Manifestation: Curious how to utilize the co-creation process with Spirit? Learn to utilize the Scale of Consciousness, Grab the Manifestation Formula & use Spiritual Visualization to create the Life you want! Allow yourself to improve your Relationship with money & utilize the Emotional Freedom Technique to improve your financial situation. Spirit wants you to have it all!

Synchronicity: This incredible course spans over 20 years of my analysis of this powerful topic! Synchronicity is like a “wink from the Universe,” & allows us to connect the dots to better understand our Life Path. Learn which Spiritual Senses you use to access the Flow of Synchronicity. Learn how to truly be in Spiritual Alignment, to increase your awareness & confidence, & to make Synchronicity work for you!

Join us in VIP here!
Heather Corbet - Experienced Spiritual Advisor


Check Out Your Bonuses!

Discount on services, Reiki & Mediumship classes, & Retreats: That's right! VIPs automatically get 10% any service, class, or Retreat. Are you wanting an all day live class or week long Retreat to further hone your Spiritual skills? Be sure to use your VIP discount.  

Leading edge & innovative knowledge: As a life-long researcher, I LOVE to bridge science & spirituality. Join us & be at the forefront of revolutionary & advanced knowledge & development to further your Spirituality & Intuition.  

Monthly Intuition Zoom Practice: Ready to practice your Intuitive skills? Join us monthly & pair up with another VIP to learn, practice, & bring in insights. Utilize learned techniques within a supportive environment.  

Guided Meditation To Meet Your Main Guide: Have you wondered about your Main Spirit Guide? Have you felt a presence guiding you in your life? Do you wonder what your Main Guide looks like & how to access them? Then Join us in VIP for your BONUS of the Main Guide Meditation! This incredible Guided Meditation allows you to meet your Spirit Animal, see a Loved One in Spirit & Meet your Main Guide!

Monthly Spirit Circles: Join us Live on Zoom to connect to your Loved Ones in Spirit. This is a time to learn & practice your Mediumship skills, meet your Loved One in Spirit through Guided Meditation, & receive Messages from your Loved Ones in Spirit. 

Spiritual Q & A Courses: Learn even MORE from the Spiritual Q & A courses including Mediumship Skills, Removing Cords, New Moon Ritual, Past Lives & Exit Points, & Astral Projection!

Weekly Insights, Card Pulls, & Messages From Your Loved Ones: Join me Live in the VIP Facebook group for YOUR INSIGHTS & other helpful tools for your growth. Glean Insights you need for your Life Path through Intuition, card pulls, Clearing, & Messages from your Loved Ones. Join other VIPs as they share their Intuitive & Spiritual gifts as well.

Daily Morning BUZZ: Weekday mornings, join me Live in the VIP Facebook group as I share Spirit’s Insights from my Automatic Writing pertaining to the courses, everyday life, & how to apply Spiritual Concepts. Catch up on the Morning Buzz from the past year including Angel Channelings, Understanding Karma, & Being Within Divine Timing. 

Affirmations & Protection Techniques: These two incredible tools are game changers to create the Life you want. Join VIP to access Affirmations of Divine White Light, by Channelings with Teachers such as Louise Hay, Masters such as Buddha & the Archangels. Create the Abundance, Success & Dreams you desire!

Daily Prompts & Practice: Learn & practice your Spiritual Skills daily in the VIP Facebook group! Practice your Psychometry, Psychic, Mediumship, Spiritual Tools, & Manifestation Skills with other Spiritual Seekers!

Are you Ready to Join VIP??

Join VIP now!
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Here is the typical monthly schedule all in Central U.S. time zone: 🌸

Tuesday-Friday Mornings:
Morning Buzz on FB Live: Inspirational & Related to the courses

3rd Tuesday at 6pm Central: Intuitive Live Zoom Practice with other VIPs!

VIPs sharing their expertise in classes & other Lives: late afternoon/ early evening.

Wednesday nights at 5pm Central: VIP FB Lives- Insights, Channeling, Clearing, Messages from your Loved Ones, Reiki share

Last Friday: 6:30 Spirit Circle

Ready To Embark Further On Your Spiritual Journey?

Join VIP here for $55.55 Monthly
Heather Corbet - Spiritual Guidance Services

6 Month VIP Membership


5 months & 1 month free

Grab 5 months & get 6th month free!

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1 Year VIP Membership


10 months & 2 months free

Grab 10 months & get 2 months free!

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VIP Courses


Lifetime Access!


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