Heather's Story

I am elated you are here. Congratulations on following your Intuition so our paths could meet. The Spiritual Journey is beautiful, magical, & full of wonder. What an honor it is to guide you.
The Beginning
Through the twists & turns of life, I am sure you have known there is "something more." From a young age, I felt connections to higher beings & often wondered if others felt this too. I enjoyed going to church, as I deeply felt people’s prayers, emotions, & the Angels.
My first experience of “something more” occurred when waking from a nap at 2 years old. I raced to the table & sifted through the mail frantically looking for a bill with my name on it. As my franticness increased, I realized that I was in this young female body, looking for a male’s name in the mail. Upon further reflection in my later years, I realized this was my first past life experience.
Venturing forward, I asked a lot of questions: Even though Grandma passed, can she still see us? Can you see Angels? Are dreams real? It was difficult to find the answers. I remember watching movies in hopes of seeing what others saw. Their “ghosts” were not remotely the same as the Spirits I was seeing. As my young son puts it to me now, “Ghosts are in movies & Spirits are all around us.” His young words radiate such truth.
My Spiritual Exploration
Over time, the experiences faded & I was “veiled.” This often happens as we are pulled into society, family, friends, & social pressures. For me, this time revealed multiple learning opportunities surrounding worth, acceptance, & belonging. As I gathered worldly experiences, I also gathered unhealthy emotional patterns as I grappled to be accepted within all areas of my life. These trying times culminated as I witnessed my life heading toward destruction & I endured yet another rejection-based relationship. Upon termination of this relationship in my early 20’s, I was reunited with Spirit & graciously accepted my Spiritual Re-Awakening.
With a Spiritual Mentor, I was able to explore my questions & was elated as I realized, my questions had answers! I remembered one poignant time when I exclaimed, “Not everyone can read thoughts!” My mentor half-smiled, nodded her head & said that was correct. It was so exciting & I recall one incident of writing/channeling for nearly 6 hours as I reveled in this reunion with Spirit.
I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology & Education, & hit the road for a two-month Spiritual Adventure. My traveling partner & I ventured to Spiritual Places & explored every Spiritual Topic & my favorite concept was Manifestation. We practiced this daily & were amazed at how quickly our needs were met on the road.Â

Are Among Us
Upon arriving back, I started my teaching career & I was faced with another Spiritual Opportunity. Late at night, I received a phone call, telling me that my 17-year-old cousin had died in a car accident. Through my tears & with mind reeling, I vowed to visit the crash scene the next day. As I arrived, I saw parts of my cousin’s car strewn along the side of the road & I was overcome with grief. As I started sobbing, I dropped to my knees & cried out, “Please send me an Angel!” Out of the corner of my eye on this desolate road, I saw a man biking down the hill toward me. He got off his bike, surveyed the scene & held my hands & prayed for me, my cousin, & our family. As he let go of my hands, he simply said, “God Bless You,” & biked away as quickly as he came. I shook my head in disbelief. My cousin sent me an Angel. So began my path to Mediumship.
Through research, education, obtaining a Master's Degree in Therapy & communing with Spirit on a daily basis, I have found answers to the questions I had asked for so many years. My Loved Ones in Spirit visit me daily (& nightly). My Uncle in Spirit has helped me to reconnect with lost family relations. My sweet grandma kisses my cheek to announce her arrival. Of course, my cousin who passed in the car accident is around. In fact, he woke me from a dream the night prior to writing this. With his freckled face close to mine, he simply said, “Use my story.” I am happy to oblige, Cousin.
My Journey Continues
This incredible life of Mediumship has opened up more doors that I could have imagined. I am always amazed with how this gift elevates & assists others & I am so honored to serve. Every session allows for connection, healing, & messages with Spirit. Your Loved Ones want to assist you with your daily life decisions, health needs, relationships, & career choices. Spirit wants to guide you with your Spiritual & Healing gifts so you can align to your Life Path.
I am glad you arrived & I am privileged to assist you. Enjoy the website & find the Spiritual, Healing, Education, & Magic that speaks to your Heart. I am ecstatic to be your conduit, to teach you Spiritual & Healing education, & to guide you on your Spiritual Journey.
Please reach out with any questions. I am here for you.
Much Light, Love, & Blessings,

Psychology B.A., Master's OTR/L
Medium & Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Brainspotting Consultant
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