“Sometimes people can’t handle your Light.”
Sep 13, 2018
Recently I went to a Medium. Yes, I am a Medium & yes, I went to a Medium. Her name was Deb. I wanted to gain perspective from Spirit. I wanted to hear more of what Spirit may have for me that I hadn’t gleaned myself.
Deb brought Grandma in from Spirit. She then shared about an incident that happened to me a short time ago. She said that the “situation was dishonest.” I guess I knew this already, but to hear it from this Divine Conduit solidified it. The situation I went through was dishonest. Yet, I didn’t want to believe this. I wanted to believe that it was honest. I wanted to believe what had been said in that incident. A lot of questions whirled through my head & those most pressing were, “Wouldn’t you want to be honest? Wouldn’t you want to do what was right?”
As the questions whirled in my mind, Deb said simply, “Sometimes people can’t handle your Light.” I was somewhat taken aback. Can’t handle my Light? Then more questions, “Wouldn’t you want to be in the Light? Wouldn’t you want to walk in the Light?” It hadn’t occurred to me that someone wouldn’t want to walk in the Light. It hadn’t occurred to me that someone wouldn’t want others to Shine their Light.
In this Facebook Live from Heighten Your Spiritual Connection, I share why it’s important to Shine Your Light. I share why we need your Light. I share an earnest message from Spirit to Please Shine Your Light.
Why is it important to Shine your Light? Because it gives others permission to Shine their Light. It gives others a role model to follow in order to emit their unique qualities. It allows others to know that it is ok to be themselves.
So what about for those who can’t handle your Light? We need to look at them with Compassion. We need to look at them with Grace. We need to send them our Light. We need to send them our Love. We need to be logical about where they are coming from. With this, then we are able to assist them to shift their Light.
Enjoy this video from Spirit.
Please reach out if you need support & encouragement to Shine Your Light. We need you to do your best to Keep Shining Your Light. Humanity depends on it.
Much Light, Love, & So Many Blessings, Heather
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