Are you ready for Inspiration & Alignment?
Jun 17, 2018
Check out this Inspiring Video from Day #3 of the Spiritual Boost of Igniting Your Dreams
I did this video shortly after an interview I did with Leimomi Keliikuli, Soul Alignment Coach. I met Leimomi nearly 2 years ago while vacationing in California. It wasn’t in person, but it was incredibly impactful. I was actually vacationing with my family in Disneyland, also known as “The Happiest Place on Earth.” As we decompressed in the hotel room after a fun-filled day of rides & Disney characters, I leaned back on the bed, completely uninspired.
Here I was in the Happiest Place on Earth, & I realized… that I wasn’t happy. I was far from happy. All I could think of was what I was headed back to after the vacation. I was returning to a life that seemed stressful & unfulfilling to me. There was something more that I needed & I had no idea what it was.
As my son relished in the Cartoon Network, I leaned back on the bed pillows to peruse Facebook & that’s when I met Leimomi. She was doing a Q & A on Soul Alignment. Was my Soul Aligned? I inquired to myself. I didn’t think so. Although I was practicing Mediumship on the side, I was at a job that wasn’t fulfilling me & dealing with chronic pain that seemed to worsen with stress. She asked for questions & I did it. I chimed in.
I became visible & vulnerable. I voiced that I was a Professor, yet I wasn’t fulfilled. I mused that hadn’t I achieved the American Dream, working for a University & on vacation to Disneyland with my family? I wrote that I didn’t feel Aligned & that I felt there was more for me. She was right there with me & responded that I didn’t feel Aligned, that I may be a teacher, but I didn’t feel aligned to teaching Graduate Students. This was 5 months before I started my Facebook group. This was 5 months before I leaped. This was 5 months before I sent in my resignation letter, in exchange for fulfillment.
No, at that moment, I did not feel Aligned, because I wasn’t Aligned. I made a vow that life was going to change. I made a vow that I was going to take action on what Was fulfilling to me. So, being the researcher I am, I researched how I could do this. I researched how I could start a business doing my Passion. I joined a group program for other online entrepreneurs. I was at every weekly group session & I researched how others were doing it. I Leaped…. & didn’t look back.
When Leimomi reached out recently to interview Me, I had chills. Chills are one of my Spirit Signs. Chills help me to tune into what messages Spirit has for me. This Beautiful Soul who had taken her own Leap, who was a successful online entrepreneur, who I connected with me through the phone screen while I was feeling unfulfilled at Disneyland, asked Me if we could do an interview.
Check out the interview here as I share my childhood, what inspired me to take the Leap, & my process of working with my Spiritual Advising students.
I had arrived. I did it. This was confirmation. My Leap worked on so many levels, including daily fulfillment doing my Passion, making double my income so my husband could quit his 9 to 5 job to pursue his Passion for Art, & witnessing a dinner conversation as my son looked at us in awe & then gave us both a high-give because we were “following our dreams.” Yet this interview confirmed I was solidified as an online entrepreneur.
I was now being interviewed by this successful Soul Alignment Coach who inspired me & believed in me. During that interview, I realized that I’m now doing the same. I am inspiring & believing in all of You. With my dedication to those who are following me, with each Spiritual Advising session, each VIP zoom call, each Mediumship & Reiki course, I pour my heart & soul into these, because I believe in YOU.
I believe in You so much that I already See You Succeeding. I already See Your Potential. I already See you doing Your Passion on a daily basis. This is what Inspired me to open up my schedule to serve more clients one-on-one within my New Package of Spiritual Advancement.
Spirit inspired me with the Spiritual Advancement package to ensure that All of Your Needs are addressed. With this package you get MORE ACCESS to me. Along with your 2 Spiritual Advising sessions per month, you are also added to my amazing VIP group so you can have access to the High Vibe Facebook group of other Spiritual Seekers & to all of my VIP courses including Synchronicity, Manifestation, Channeling, & Psychic Skills. You also have access to me Between sessions if you have any questions or need insights to further accelerate your path. As an added bonus, I will share any insights that Spirit provides, including books & ideas between sessions which will catapult you forward.
Find more information here!
Are you ready to Spiritually Advance? Are you ready to Align with your Path & Reach Your Highest Potential? Are you ready to Make Your Dreams come true? If you answered yes, then please feel free to sign up now!
If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out to me & we can set up a 15 minute Clarity call to delve into Spirit’s plan for you!
I would be honored to guide you on your Spiritual Journey. I would be privileged to assist you to discover your gifts, your potential, & all that Spirit has for you.
Find more information here!
So much Light, Love, & Blessings to you as you Take the Leap of Faith into your passions, Heather Corbet, Medium & Spiritual Advisor
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